Filming locations from Amélie all around Montmartre
I always tell visitors who are planning a stay in Montmartre, make sure to watch Amélie before your trip! It's a great love letter to the whole neighborhood of Montmartre, with a good dose of Pigalle as well. If you're a fan of Amélie, there are several spots from the movie that you can easily visit during a stroll around Montmartre.

Café des Deux Moulins
The café where Amélie works is the Café des Deux Moulins, and I have a brief article about it in my cafés section, here. Although they manage to make it look like it's in a quiet residential area for the movie, it's actually on a bustling street just around the corner from the Moulin Rouge. It's a nice place to grab a coffee or lunch; they even have some Amélie-themed items on the menu. You can find the Café des Deux Moulins at 15 Rue Lepic (map).

Au Marché de la Butte (Maison Collignon)
The fruit and vegetable stand that Amélie visits is further up the hill, at 56 Rue des Trois Frères (map). The real-life owners of this place definitely know they've got a tourist attraction on their hands thanks to the movie; they have a fake "Maison Collignon" sign above the store (possibly left over from filming the movie?), and they even have a gnome hiding under the fruit stands out front!

Amélie's Métro station
I just found this ancient (2006?) picture of me and my friend Kate at Amélie's Métro station, Lamarck - Caulaincourt (line ). It's very distinct because its entranceway is a corridor that leads straight into the side of the Butte — the hill of Montmartre. This is where Amélie leaves the blind man she's been leading around after regaling him with the sights of the neighborhood.

Other locations
The XXX shop where Nino works is Palace Video, at 37 Boulevard de Clichy (map). It's one of a zillion on that street! The Boulevard de Clichy is the main drag in the red light district, aka Pigalle; Pigalle is technically part of Montmartre but it really has its own flavor and identity.
Of course, Amélie visits Sacre-Coeur toward the end of the film; she uses the telescope thing up at the top of the steps to see Nino in a phone booth down below, and I remember thinking, there's no phone booth there! I know that area too well.
Wandering around from any one of these places to another will take you on a lovely stroll through some of the best bits of Montmartre. It's my favorite neighborhood in Paris, and I think you'll see why. Enjoy!