A gallery of pixel art tile mosaics all over Paris
Part 3 of 8. Go to page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
These next three were submitted by my good pal Kevin Stanley, who happens to be one of the people who helped me out the most in getting settled when I first moved to France. Thanks, Kevin!
I like that this one is apparently a file folder icon! Like, for the directory where you keep all your pixel aliens. Of course.
He's in front of the Bistro de la Gaité.
"Don't waste my hacktime minutes!" I have no idea what this means. Also, this is a sticker, so it's kind of cheating, but I like it anyway.
These next two were submitted by Cool Stuff in Paris reader Millicent Wong. It's Mario! He's pretty huge, apparently!
So cool! Thanks, Millicent!
That's all for part three. Please feel free to e-mail me any more pics of pixels you find! Thanks!
Next: on to part four!
Part 3 of 8. Go to page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8