A gallery of pixel art tile mosaics all over Paris
Part 8 of 8. Go to page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
More reader submissions! These next three are from Amanda...

Wow! This very simplified Mona Lisa pixel is on Rue du Louvre.

This cute penguin is on Rue du Petit-Pont.

Place Saint-André des Arts. Hmm, what is this pointy-headed guy? It's on the tip of my tongue.
Thanks Amanda!
The next two pixel guys come from the person with the scariest name I've ever received email from: Thanos!

This dude is on Rue de Temple, and I knew I'd seen one of these before so I went back through my previous updates and found him on page 5 (he's next to last on the page), although this is a different-colored one on a different street. I remember last time I found one of these that I was 99% sure it was a Mega Man enemy, so I just now looked it up and confirmed: his name is Metall! Which is a seriously badass name.

Space Invader in an apple, on Rue du Ponceau. Something that struck me as very odd, I don't think I've ever seen a Parisian street sign in that style before! (And believe me, I'm someone who spends a lot of time walking around Paris looking at street signs.) I had to look up Rue du Ponceau; I assumed it must be way out in the outskirts or something, but in fact it's very central, right in the 2nd arrondissement. Crazy!
Thanks, Thanos!
And here are a few of my own pics from a recent stroll around Montmartre and Pigalle on a beautiful sunny day...

I love this pixel cassette above the Monoprix (missing its M!) at Place Pigalle.

Rue d'Orsel.

Hey, here's the same guy again! This one's on Villa de Guelma. What an intriguing name; that sure ain't French! I looked it up and it's a reference to an Algerian commune, or municipality.

Somewhere way up on the hill in Montmartre, not far from the Place du Tertre.

I love this little owl on Rue d'Orchampt!

Spray paint and mosaic tiles; two kinds of street art in one!

These guys are at the corner of Rue Maurice Utrillo, right down the steps on the right side of Sacre-Coeur.
That's all for part eight! Please feel free to e-mail me any more pics of pixels you find! Thanks and happy hunting!
Part 8 of 8. Go to page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8